Saddleworth Liberal Democrats have called on Oldham council and the NHS Oldham Clinical Commissioning group to work together to enhance Primary care health services in Saddleworth
Liberal Democrat Councillor for Saddleworth North, Garth Harkness, said: “The NHS Oldham Clinical Commissioning group in Oldham are splitting the GP surgeries into clusters. Saddleworth would be in cluster 4 which would see it linked in with some practices in East Oldham.”
John Eccles, Liberal Democrat campaigner, said: “The Cluster that Saddleworth sits in has nearly 55,000 patients. Saddleworth Medical Practice has the most patients. The staff are great but it is bursting at the seams. The Clinical Commissioning groups should look at Saddleworth as the place to host more specialist services and provide a new larger health centre.”
Councillor Garth Harkness added: “We need a new integrated health centre with a new building. Saddleworth is almost alone in our borough without one of the modern, integrated healthcare centres so this should now be the time to get one.”
Councillor Derek Heffernan ended “ We want Oldham council to work with the NHS. More building is taking place but the infrastructure is not so they should explore the use of various planning charges and infrastructure funding to bring us the services Saddleworth needs.”