Former Shaw & Crompton Town Crier, Andrew Powell, has passed away

“My colleagues and I are devastated to hear the news that Andrew Powell, Shaw & Crompton’s Town Crier for 30 years, until his retirement from the voluntary role in 2018 has passed away suddenly,” stated Shaw Liberal Democrat councillor Howard Sykes MBE.

“Andrew was very supportive to the community and the Parish Council and attended many events in Shaw and Crompton throughout the years and was loved by all. Young children were fascinated by him, often mistaking him for a pirate,” he added.

As late as last week he was still to be seen walking around Shaw town centre with his wife and soulmate Win.

“Andrew summed up everything that is good about Shaw and Crompton, he loved the place, loved the people and was selfless with his voluntary work in the community which he did in a mild-mannered way, only making a noise with his bell and booming voice when required we will all miss him and we send our sincere condolences to his wife Win and his family,” added councillor Sykes.

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