Fighting Labour’s land grab

Liberal Democrat Councillors Alan Belmore, Garth Harkness and John McCann warn that Saddleworth is at major risk from massive over-development of open spaces for housing under Labour’s plans in their Greater Manchester Spatial Framework.

 LABOUR’S LAND GRAB is in two phases.

PHASE 1: large strategic sites like Fletcher’s Mill and neighbouring Green Belt PHASE 2 : dozens of local sites that have been offered by landowners for development and profit across Saddleworth for up to a total 1000 new houses.

 Cllr Alan Belmore says “Local residents need to wake up to the massive threat to our Saddleworth villages before it is too late.” Many of these sites are in really sensitive open spaces and would have a devastating effect on our local communities if developed.

 “We think that most new houses should be built to meet local needs using the many former industrial sites in the Borough.”

Sign our petition below to say that “We believe that the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF) is fundamentally flawed and will have a detrimental effect on green land in Saddleworth. We therefore petition that Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council formally withdraws from GMSF and develops its own environmentally-friendly Local Plan.”

Campaign to save our green spaces

We believe that the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF) is fundamentally flawed and will have a detrimental effect on green land in Saddleworth. We therefore petition that Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council formally withdraws from GMSF and develops its own environmentally-friendly Local Plan.

%%your signature%%

5 signatures

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