Extend Trusted People scheme

Crompton Liberal Democrat councillor Diane Williamson has welcomed the new scheme that has been launched to help women and girls feel safe on the tram network.

“In this day and age, we should not have to be doing something like this, should we? Our girls and young women should feel safe and able to travel on the trams without fear of being verbally attacked or something more serious,” said Cllr Williamson.

The teams are offering a friendly face around the Oldham tram stops in case residents are feeling uneasy, especially as the winter nights draw in.

Until March 2022, the Youth Service are covering the stops between Freehold and Oldham Mumps at times when they are busy with school pupils and college students, with the Street Angels covering the later hours.

“I have every faith and praise for the Street Angels and Oldham Youth Service and know they will do a fantastic job. But I am slightly concerned that the Council has forgotten about those pupils that come to and from Shaw and Crompton and Derker every day.

“I presume that Freehold to Oldham Mumps stretch has been chosen for a reason but could the scheme be extended to include the other areas I mention?” added Cllr Williamson, Shadow Cabinet Member for Children and Young People.

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