If you support the work of the local Liberal Democrats, there are a number of ways in which you can support us.
You can join the Liberal Democrats. Unlike the other two main parties, the Liberal Democrats are member supported and member funded, rather than from large donors. Your membership makes a real difference to us – and we’ve nearly doubled in size in the past two years. It costs as little as £1 a month to join.
We’ve also recently launched a supporters scheme. You can show your support for the work of your local Liberal Democrats by signing up online, or by calling us on 020 7022 0988 We are open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.
Many people have also signed up to help us without becoming members. Whether it’s putting up a poster, delivering a round of leaflets, or signing up to receive updates via email, every little bit makes a difference. If you’re interested in any of these, just get in touch.