The Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, was heartened to receive a letter from the Chief Executive of Oldham Council, Dr Carolyn Wilkins OBE, endorsing his idea that the NHS Covid-19 app be made available pro-actively to all staff at the Council and staff in other public sector organisations who are issued with a smart phone for business use.

Describing the suggestion as an “excellent idea”, Dr Wilkins has agreed to make the app available to Council staff and has also written to partner organisations in the Borough asking them to do the same. Dr Wilkins also plays a key role in the delivery of the national Track and Trace scheme representing local authorities.
Commenting, Councillor Sykes said: “I found it frustrating that I could not readily access the app on my own business phone. If we want Council staff to lead the way in using the app, and to set an example to others, then we need to make it available to them. I am glad that the Chief Executive has responded quickly and has responded positively taking on board my suggestions.”