Govt urged to extend statutory sick pay to workers impacted by coronavirus

The Liberal Democrats have urged the Government to ensure statutory sick pay is extended to all workers who have to self-isolate because of the coronavirus.

Currently, workers who earn below the Lower Earnings Limit (£118 per week) will not recieve statutory sick pay.

The call comes as it is confirmed UK health officials are moving towards the second phase of their response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Education spokesperson Layla Moran

Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran said: “Many workers who have to self-isolate because of coronavirus don’t earn enough to qualify for statutory sick pay. That is deeply troubling.

“People should not have to make the choice between going to work and eating, between getting to the office and buying medicine. The Government needs to show leadership and ensure that statutory sick pay is available to anyone who self-isolates, following guidance, regardless of their type of work.

“That’s why I’m calling on the Government to remove the Lower Earnings Limit. This is about people’s lives, not just businesses, earning and our economy.”

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