One of the hidden impacts of the lockdown has been the massive affect that is has had on people’s mental health, with social isolation worsening existing problems for many people. As we start the process of ending lockdown, Liberal Democrat Councillors Dave Murphy and Chris Gloster have brought a motion for the 17 June Oldham Council meeting to try and combat this. The idea behind Chatty Checkouts and Chatty Cafes is to get people speaking to one another. This is at designated tables in cafes and shop checkouts counters. People can forge friendships and escape the trap of isolation.
Oldham has already begun to pioneer this idea, but the Liberal Democrats want to take this further and get Oldham Council behind it.
Councillor Murphy comments: “Councillors should be constantly to looking at new ways to solve this ever-present issue. Oldham Borough is aspiring to be an Age-Friendly local authority. We need to take the first step as Councillors in backing this.”
Councillor Gloster continued: “Loneliness and isolation don’t just affect the elderly in society. The highest suicide rates apply to single men aged in their 40’s. The Oldham Liberal Democrats want people from all backgrounds to get talking. Together we can combat the evils of segregation.”
The Council meeting will be held on 17 June and starts at 6pm.