Ten years on from Dilnot, Tories have Done ‘Nowt’ about social care

Ten years on after the Dilnot Report made recommendations to fairly and properly fund social care, the Conservative Government has still woefully failed to act in the face of a worsening underfunding crisis.

Oldham Liberal Democrat Group Leader, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, is dismayed that after a decade of inaction under Tory ministers Britain’s elderly and most vulnerable people in receipt of care still face a future of anxiety and uncertainty.

“Whilst in the recent Queen’s speech contained just nine words about social care and no more money,” laments Councillor Sykes. “The Dilnot Report was published on 4 July 2011 during the Coalition Government. It sought a commitment that Dilnot would be delivered, but the commitment was soon ditched once the Tories ruled alone.”

Howard Sykes

Councillor Sykes added: “The Prime Minister said on his appointment that he would end the care funding crisis ‘once and for all’, but the Queen’s Speech only contained a vague promise from this government to bring forward proposals ‘later in the year’. This same promise has been made year-on-year and this represents only the latest stage of the Tories playing a game of kicking the social care ‘can’ down the street.

“The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services estimates councils in England are expecting to have to make around £608m of savings this year. Private care providers are increasingly having to turn away work because it is unprofitable, and care homes are haemorrhaging staff, who are often poorly paid and overworked.”

Councillor Sykes also identified the urgency of offering more care support to those in need who live at home. In conclusion, he said: “There are currently 1.5 million elderly and disabled people being denied the help they need with day-to-day tasks, like washing, dressing and preparing meals, because the eligibility criteria for care has been tightened by councils savaged by Tory austerity cuts.”

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