Residents have contacted Shaw Liberal Democrat Councillors after receiving notification that Asda in Shaw has submitted plans for 24-hour goods deliveries to be made to the site, via Dawn Street, which is located at the opposite side of the site to the public entrance.
This is not the first time that Asda have attempted to obtain planning permission to make deliveries 24 hours a day, but previous applications have been refused because of the noise and disturbance that would be caused to Dawn Street, Duke Street, Eastway residents who live immediately adjacent to the access point.
Shaw Councillor Howard Sykes MBE said: “Everyone will be aware that ASDA Shaw is very busy and we all recognise that deliveries have to be made to replenish the store, but these should take place at civilised times when local residents will not be unduly inconvenienced. ASDA have tried this before and been refused permission, and I regret that once again they have forgotten what being a good neighbour is all about. It is simply not right that Shaw residents should suffer sleepless nights because deliveries in the middle of the night are more convenient to ASDA.”
Councillors have asked for the application to be referred to a full meeting of the Oldham Council Planning Committee so Councillors can give the plan their full consideration and so that residents have an opportunity to raise any objections.
Councillor Sykes added: “I am strongly opposed to this application and I would urge any local residents who also wish to object to register those objections online on Oldham Council’s Planning Portal as soon as possible.”
The Planning Portal can be found at:
Application Reference Number: MMA/345924/20 – Address: Asda Supermarket, Greenfield Lane, Shaw, Oldham OL2 8QP – Details: Removal of conditions 1, 9 and 10 of application PA/336191/14 to allow 24 hours per day deliveries.