Shaw Liberal Democrat Councillors were delighted to hear that their campaign for a bus shelter on Eastway has finally paid off after many years.
Transport for Greater Manchester has announced that they will be installing the new shelter outside 2/2A Eastway on Wednesday 21 May, just in time for this Thursday’s Market Day.
Councillor Howard Sykes MBE said: “Ever since buses have been diverted along Eastway, local Liberal Democrat Councillors have been asking for a covered bus shelter on both sides of the road. Now we will have one and we shall be renewing our calls for the creation of a second one on the ASDA side of Eastway. This has been delayed because ASDA has yet to agree to release some land as the pavement is too narrow to accommodate it.
“It is very off-putting waiting with your shopping for a bus in the rain, but at least with a shelter you do not have to get wet,” added Councillor Sykes. “I hope ASDA agree soon because their own customers will benefit from it as well as others using the town centre.”