Credit where credit’s due: Lib Dem proposals for recycled roads are making their way forward

Shaw and Crompton Liberal Democrat Councillors, Dave Murphy and Hazel Gloster sat astonished as Cllr Amanda Chadderton, Deputy Leader of the Council, waxed lyrical about a trial using tyres when answering a Liberal Democrat question, without ever acknowledging that this had been repeatedly proposed by the Liberal Democrats, and refused each time by the Labour administration.

Cllr Murphy said: ”This is unbelievable. Yet again we suggest something to the administration either in our budget amendments or a notice of motion and the administration say it can’t be done – yet they are now trialling the use of tyres in road surfaces, which is something the Liberal Democrats have spoken about.“

Councillor Dave Murphy

Recycled car tyres could soon be used to resurface roads across the country after a pioneering trial found that it made roads quieter. One of the busiest roads in Scotland was resurfaced last year with asphalt containing shredded rubber from old tyres. Tests were performed on grip and skid resistance with engineers reporting that the rubber road on the stretch of dual carriageway between Perth and Dundee resulted in a quieter drive.

Experts claim the road requires less maintenance and still allows for drainage while tire recyclers claim the technique will also save money because the new material is thinner than standard roads.

”We spoke about using plastic bottles or tyres; there is a tyre graveyard in Kuwait, home to 7 million tyres and can be seen from space, so we welcome this trial and look forward to seeing more Liberal Democrat proposals being trialled by the Labour administration,“ said Councillor Gloster.

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